after my strenuous preparatiopn for th AI triple E;(now seniors dont ask the fullform from me!)
dreams became reality; as i got into NIT.
shocked , i was to find people's ignorance,no one knew when asked for NIT at once.
that old name still lingers.SVR-that regional status still creates blunders...
after travelling the road so great,comes the magnificent college gate.
next starts my new hostel adventure,its like an austere venture.
shaky cracked beams and slabs,seeing at once seems to collapse,
chirping sparrows in the toilet and passage,blinking neons as if fifty years of age,
the mess may be so messy,but the food is really so tasty.
friends are great and thats a real fact,when in the middle of your morninig act,
you come to know that water was a mirage,and you are in a conditon more severe than haemorrhaege.
and mind it these are not the negative points,but experiences that strengthen our weak joints.
from washing our clothes,to tackling those huge moths,
and other weird creatures from phylum arthropoda,whose pictures are found only in encyclopedia.
from making our own beds,to adjusting with other stinking lads;
we learn the biggest quality of life-adapting,though sometimes it may be frustrating..
but lets talk of life,outside the hostel strife.
once started never can he stop the T.T ping pong or reduce the volume of his favourite song
the smashing of the volley ball or the aiming of the basket ball.
the big fight -to get the TV's remote at night.
the ever blossoming notices, and the infrastructure improving promises.
life here rocks, starting the day with the melodious peacocks
and the joggers on their morning walks. some aged lost in their own talks
and the youthful ladies with their i-pods, enlighten our day, thanks to all gods.
the hooter ringing governs all our actions;and in a hurry not wishing seniors shows their reactions.
ambitious necks at the staff club road keep turning;when results nil, male hearts keep burning.
then you realize that you have to attend classes, just for attendance and then sleep in masses.
because things are either high above your intellect,or you fail to decipher the teacher's home made English dialect.
you rather try to complete your free smses, under the table you conduct you own classes.
the recess is the time so delightful, to see the fairer sex APPARENTLY so wonder-fool!
and you find yourself lost in the thousands of males, witnessing a handful of females
and by the time you find one good to stare, the hooter rings and breaks your daytime nightmare .
after the classes comes the eve entertaining, from seniors calling to joggers pleasing.
from imported bikes to luxury sedans outside, to the rusted old cycles sprawling inside.
bansi can serve your stomach if empty, iff you are ready to get ragged fully.
lake view can fulfill your appetite of vision, but beware of seniors roaming there on a harassing mission .
or you can refresh yourself at the trip cee (now please dont ask the fullform to me)
firewalls may be the barriers for formality, but you need to know how to blog and chat indirectly
then to reach back to your abode rooms, you need to beware of two demons
firstly your seniors waiting for your return, secondly the crows dropping turn by turn
ends the day-a day closer you get ,for some great placement
but this NIT saga will never end,someone will definitely continue this trend...
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